I am creating number recognization in ios on real time. I have found one ABBYY OCR library This is very good and fast but this is recognization both text and number but I want to only number recognization. Please help me. how can I do this?. From StackOverflow I have found one hint we can use English.edc
file from dictionaries
But this file is lock and can't able to open. What is the solution? please share your valuable knowledge with me .
ABBYY OCR library recognition only number IOS?
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If I understand you correctly, you use ABBYY Real-Time Recognition SDK. Working with the custom dictionaries is supported only for the extended version of RTR SDK. If you want to test it, please contact ABBYY sales at http://rtrsdk.com/licensing/.
Also in the latest release (R5) we’ve added custom data capture support. Now you can specify a regular expression to be used to extract text from the image. This seems to be what you needed for your task. Check out our online documentation for details:
Android (http://rtrsdk.com/documentation/how-to/android-custom-data-capture/)
iOS (http://rtrsdk.com/documentation/how-to/ios-custom-data-capture/).
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