Where can I find the C# code for MVC to processReceipt? I want to customize the fields to be capture but i cant find it in the Reciept Recognisation.sln
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Where can I find the C# code for MVC to processReceipt? I want to customize the fields to be capture but i cant find it in the Reciept Recognisation.sln
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Currently we have the Receipt Capture samples in C# and Java only: https://github.com/abbyysdk/ocrsdk.com/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=processReceipt. You can download these code samples on our Code Samples web page.
Regarding customization, could you please describe your scenario in more details?
For example, I would like to capture certain fields such as Receipt No., total amount etc once I have the values capture I want to write it into database or export to excel. Base on the Receipt Recognisation.sln application im not familiarise with how do i customize it in MVC to capture the fields OR how do i call the processReceipt api and how do ipass in the parameters to be capture???
I want to customize the fields in the red circle. The main purpose is to capture only wanted details and write into database or export to excel. Where do I customize the parameters? and im using MVC
Please sorry for the delay.
The processReceipt method returns XML with all fields it has been able to extract from a receipt image. The fields are describe:
• in the documentation - Output XML with Receipt Data;
• in the XML XSD - https://www.abbyy.com/ReceiptCaptureSDK_xml/ReceiptCapture-1.0.xsd.
You just need to parse this XML result for the fields you want to extract. Regarding exporting the fields values to a database, this should be implemented by the developer of the final application, since Cloud OCR SDK is our SDK solution for developers.
Thanks for replying.
But I downloaded the dotNet folder with the Receipt Recognition project and open it in Visual studio but i cant locate where is the ReceiptCapture file. Im confused where did the appliation read the receiptcapture.xsd file from? so i can customize it to get what i want

Please see the fillReceiptFields method in the MainForm.cs file and other related methods.
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