Dear All,
We use the following code to convert the image from OpenCV's cv :: Mat to ImageDocument (using C ++, the out-of-process server model):
CSafePtr <IImageDocument> imageDocument;
Enigne-> OpenBitmapBits (BitmapBitsFormatEnum :: BBF_Color, mat.cols, mat.rows, 3 * mat.cols, 300, 300, (__int64), 0, & imageDocument);
imageDocument will always be nullptr. Do you have any comments about this?
Thank you
I solved this problem changing Inproc.
would you tell me how to load memory bitmap outproc mode, please?
Thank you!
As stated in the description of method IEngine::OpenBitmapBits() in the Developer's Help article API Reference → Engine Object → Processing Methods, "this method does not work if the Engine object is created using the OutprocLoader object".
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