
captions from all the tables and images using FRE11 Answered

I want to extract all the caption used for the tables and images present in the PDF. i was using pagestream but it is not working.please help me out on this topic.

ps: i m using FRE 11, c#

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    Oksana Serdyuk

    Please try to use the following processing settings (together or separately):

    • IObjectsExtractionParams::DetectTextOnPictures = true
    • IObjectsExtractionParams::EnableAggressiveTextExtraction = true

    Also if your PDF document contains some textual layer, you can try to use IObjectsExtractionParams::SourceContentReuseMode =

    If this does not help, could you please describe your issue in detail? Possibly you can share your source document or send it to for testing on our side.


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