
Using a Project to recognize data, see if it requires verification


Using a document definition (afl/fcdot) I can just use a boolean value to see if the extracted document requires verification.

Using a project the process is quite different, I create the project and batch and do the "Verifying Recognized Data" section of the Flexi 12 Guided Tour->Advanced Techniques-> Verify Reconized Data

I cant seem to find any object in there that will determine if the document needs verification?
Is there a batch confidence item or something I can call?

Currently there is an object in the enum:



Can I use that?

The reason for this all is to determine if the document/batch needs to go to a verification station.


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    Denis Gusak


    You can loop through each field in each document and check the IsSuspicious property. For more information, please see Properties section of [Developer Help → API Reference → Objects → Document Structure → FieldValue].


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