
Cordova Plugin - startDataCapture options profile - ID_HK

Hi All ~ 

After finished the "Getting started", I can call "startTextCapture" to capture the text.

Now I am testing the startDataCapture function on the ionic 3 project. 

Below is my code : 



    const options = {

      profile : 'ID_HK',

      licenseFileName : 'SRTT-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000.License'




    .then((res: any) => alert(JSON.stringify(res)))

    .catch((error: any) => alert(JSON.stringify(error)));



But I got the Error Message: Unsupported profile: 'ID_HK'. Service cannot be created. 

 (It show at the top of the camera preview with red font color )

May I know how can I set the HKID profile?

Related Document and Link :

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    Oksana Serdyuk


    We have requested additional information by email within your support ticket.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

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    Hi Oksana ~
    Thank you for your support!!

    We also want more information about  Custom Data Field.

    We are following the structure of Capture a Custom Data Field with iOS :

    It is work for the Single custom data field capture.


    May I know the SDK also support the Multiple custom data field capture???


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    Oksana Serdyuk

    Hi Ryan,

    The Custom Data Field Capture scenario allows to extract only one field which can be described by regular expression and can consist of only one line. To extract several regular fields you have to do it one-by-one. According to our product analyst, there is no plans to extend this functionality so far.

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    Hi Oksana ~

    Thank you for your support again !!

    For the Custom Data Field, I can recognise almost all HKID value but the English Name.


    The is my regExp : [A-Z]+(, )(([A-Z])([a-z ])*)*

    It tested with this website :

    And my testing image is my HKID and this sample ID :


    After trying several times, I found that  " * " (Zero or more) is NOT working on the SDK.


    I was wondering if you could give me some advice.

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    Oksana Serdyuk


    Have you finally managed to run your application using our Data Capture scenario with the ID_HK profile? Does it work well?

    Regarding your question about regular expressions, please try to use Unicode character, as it is described in the Regular Expressions section of the documentation.

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    Hi Oksana Serdyuk,


    For the native Android and iOS, they are working with the ID_HK profile.

    For the regular expressions, we also solved the issue.


    Now we will force on ABBYY Real-Time Recognition SDK Cordova Plugin


    We have an issue on the link / embed "AbbyyRtrSDK.framework" to the sample project(cordova-plugin-abbyy-rtr-sdk-sample).


    Here is the step that we tested with sample code : 

    Xcode version: 10.1

    Device: MacBook Pro

    Target Device : iPad / iPad mini


    1. Download and unzip the

    2. cd cordova-plugin-abbyy-rtr-sdk-sample

    3. cordova plugin add ../cordova-plugin-abbyy-rtr-sdk

    4. Download and unzip the latest SDK : abbyy-mi-rtr-sdk- (Provided from Sales Team)

    5. Copy Framework to /libs/ios/

    From : abbyy-mi-rtr-sdk-

    To : /cordova-plugin-abbyy-rtr-sdk-sample/libs/ios/

    6. Copy the All Patterns to /rtr_assets/Patterns/  and update the index.js with Profile :  ID_HK :

    From : abbyy-mi-rtr-sdk-

    To : /cordova-plugin-abbyy-rtr-sdk-sample/www/rtr_assets/Patterns/

    7. Copy the Dictionaries to /rtr_assets/Dictionaries/

    From : abbyy-mi-rtr-sdk-

    To : /cordova-plugin-abbyy-rtr-sdk-sample/www/rtr_assets/Dictionaries/

    8. Copy the License file and update the index.js with the License file name :


    To : /cordova-plugin-abbyy-rtr-sdk-sample/www/rtr_assets

    9. cordova platform add ios

    10. Add `libs/ios` to linker search paths:

    File : /cordova-plugin-abbyy-rtr-sdk-sample/platforms/ios/cordova/build.xcconfig

    Add : FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS = "../../libs/ios"

    11. cordova build ios ⇐= (Has no add --buildFlag="DEVELOPMENT_TEAM=<YOUR_TEAM>" like the Getting started instruction)

    Issue :

    1. Open the project in xcode and the ABBYY SDK framework is RED

    2. The project is built successfully but has a runtime error : 

    Library not loaded: @rpath/AbbyyRtrSDK.framework/AbbyyRtrSDK

    Referenced from: /Users/ryanalbartus/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/B291694C-A9F5-459E-88AB-1D4E393C37E9/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/4FDF7312-F505-4735-A523-9D9A306C4D63/

      Reason: image not found

    3. We also try to add .framework manually, like below image: 


    Results: It is built success but has below error : 


    dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/AbbyyRtrSDK.framework/AbbyyRtrSDK

      Referenced from: /Users/ryanalbartus/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/B291694C-A9F5-459E-88AB-1D4E393C37E9/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/34E53180-4268-45AA-A61C-5C83477A0760/


      Reason: image not found



    4. We also try to embed .framework manually, like below image: 

    Result: It is built success and app can build at the device
    But after click on the "TEXT CAPTURE" button or "MRZ" button, the app will crash : (we also tested All License file that Sales Team provided ). And the result is the same as the below image : 

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    12 Nar

    did it solved? because I have a same trouble

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    Hamza Idrees

    Great It is solved very valuable information you shared thanks 


    Linux Mint

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    Miguel Signes

    Did your solved¿? I'm with the same problem.

    In android works fine but in ios all are problems.



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