We are using Flexicapture Cloud.
Inside Document definition properties I wanted to make sure there is no setting to configure only the sheet\TAB name when we export abbyy flexicapture’s output to an excel file.
Currently In destination file settings, we use data format as *.xlsx and then use a file name template using index fields, however the sheet\TAB name also is getting re-named from ‘Sheet1’ to whatever is configured in the Template. So both the output excel file name and sheet\TAB name are coming as the same. We want to suppress the applying of file-naming template to the sheet\TAB of our excel output document. When output excel is generated, We want the default "Sheet1" name to be there. Please confirm if there is a way to achieve this using export settings.
Unfortunately there isn't an simple GUI setting to enable . You're probably going to have to do a custom export script and create the logic. Why does it matter what the sheet name is considering that when FlexiCapture export, it doesn't make more than 1 sheet so the value will always be in that one sheet.
Thanks Scott. By mentioning custom export script, Do you mean inside ABBYY flexi capture project ? Please provide how to go by with that option.
Yes I'm talking about the custom export setting in the DocDef.
Thanks. We are using the cloud version. How do I get to save the output file on my company's network share folder? I get below error when I gave share folder path in the export script.
We are currently using "Export to data files" option so abbyy is able to save the output in the data folder that is configured inside the Connect service's connect.json file. Ideally we would like the export script's output file go into that data folder.
When you say cloud are you meaning our hosted solution or your own private cloud setup (which we would consider on prem).
If its your own private cloud, you have control over the server, so you just need to make sure the processing station service has access.
If you're talk about our hosted solution, you can't. Remember this server host other tenant on the server. We can't have any tenant access the local file system. You will basically need to either use the connect tool ABBYY FlexiCapture Connect or use the API to get your result.
I meant your hosted solution. I agree that processing server is owned by abbyy and cannot access the tenant's local file system. So just to confirm my understanding, When we have a tenant on the abbyy cloud, We cannot use Export script to save output files on tenant's local file system and hence are not able to customize our excel tab names to be different than the containing sheet names. Please confirm.
Is there a way to access the folder path variables configured inside Flexicapture Connect config file from inside the custom export script?
Also Please detail on the API option?
Correct, you can't save custom export files on local file system. I haven't tried this myself but you might be able to create a custom export that would write your output, log into a SFTP, and put the file there. You would have to compile your own DLL for the SFTP part.
I know our Professional Service team create a custom SFTP for one of our customer so you might want to reach out to your sales rep if you want something like that build out for you.
As for the API, I was talking about the web api to communicate with FlexiCapture. Using the Web Services API of the ABBYY FlexiCapture Application Server
Thank you for the information. I will check the SFTP and web API options.
Hi, I am trying to have abbyy(cloud version) generate one output excel file for a week's load of input files. Please let me know if there is a way using export settings. I have tried the relevant option in export settings but doesn't seems to be working as expected. Thanks.
Unfortunately you cant do this with the cloud. You can do this if you had an onprem install because you would have full access to the file export location. The best option is to grab all the export and in post processing, combine the export result.
Ok, Thanks Scott.
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