
Classification in Flexi Capture Cloud

Hi What is the best way to classify unstructured/Semi structured documents like payslip for flexicapture cloud? Training is one approach but is there any other best ways? For training, is there any maximum limit of images?

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    Scott Chau


    FlexiCapture Cloud is the same as on Prem feature wise.  So classification can be done multiple ways.  i.e. training, flexilayout, classification by company, etc.

    Easiest option would be the training but if you know the logic or keywords for classification of the document, FlexiLayout might be a faster option.

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    Ashna Wilson

    Scott Chau Thanks for your response. As i'm new to the tool, Can i ask you some more details?

    As you mention If we know the keywords, FlexiLayout is the better option. May I know if its by setting the header and footer or by header alone with keywords? In FlexiLayout, I have also seen setting the layout based on reference folder structure. Does that also help in classification? 

    or do you mean classifier project where rules can be set?

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    Scott Chau

    Classifier project in FlexiLayout Studio.  Keep in mind you do still need a DocDef or DocDef for a Classifer to match against unless you just using it for classification and saving images with no extraction.  

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    Ashna Wilson

    Scott Chau Thanks for your response. I will try this out. I hope it can split multiple documents which come in a single file as well. DocDef is there already but its the classification training which cant work properly so looking for other options.

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    Scott Chau

    Classifier doesn't do the split of the document.  Classification project is for only identifying the first page of a document.  The assembly is still on the FlexiLayout side with the header/footer multipage limit.  Otherwise, you can script it in a custom workflow stage to say when you see the first page assemble it.  


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