How to find which field extraction training batches are affected by the ".tmp is corrupted" error or have no layout?
The new functionality was added in FlexiCapture 12 Release 4 Update 2 Patch 6 release allows end-users to visually determine, which field extraction training batches are affected by the ".tmp is corrupted" or has no layout.
The release added the "Check Flexilayout Existance" command to the drop-down menu of Field Extraction Training Batches, which populates the "Has Layout" column (It must be enabled, invisible by default).
The column has 3 states:
FlexiLayout was not loaded - empty cell;
Flexilayout loaded and valid - green checkmark;
FlexiLayout is missing or there was an error loading - red cross.
This functionality is enabled by a 'String' value in the registry.
To enable this functionality:
- Open the Windows Registry editor;
- Go to Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\ABBYY\FlexiCapture\12.0\Shell\ and create a Key named Customization;
- Create a new 'String' value inside the Customization key with the name AllowCheckTrainingBatchFlexiLayout and data true:
- Open your project in the Project Setup Station, go to Field Extraction Training Batches;
- Right-click on the table header and enable the Has FlexiLayout column:
- To fill in the Has FlexiLayout column select all your training batches then right-click on them and select Check FlexiLayout Existance:
After these manipulations, FlexiCapture will populate the "Has Layout" column with corresponding marks:
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