How to prevent the first page from being exported in FlexiCapture 12?


How to prevent the first page from being exported in FlexiCapture 12?


The IPage object has a property called ExcludedFromDocumentImage which is a boolean indicating if the current page should be exported or not.

Below is a sample export script:

//====== JScript ========
// Export to pdf of all the pages except the first one

// File name and Path
var filePath = "\\\\machinename\\1\\ExportImages\\";
var fileName = "testPDF.pdf";
var fullFileName = filePath + fileName;

// Export configurations
var imageOptions = FCTools.NewImageSavingOptions();
imageOptions.Format = "pdf";

// Exclude first page
this.Pages.Item(0).ExcludedFromDocumentImage = true;

// Save
this.SaveAs (fullFileName, imageOptions);

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