"Not enough memory" error: using registry keys to resolve the issue


What can be done when facing the "Not enough memory" error?


In situations like this, there are some registry keys that can be applied:

  1. Open Registry Editor in administrator mode;
  2. Open HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ABBYY\FlexiLayoutStudio\12.0;
  3. Create DAForms if it does not exist;
  4. Create the key (string) DisableLimitHypothesisMemory with value - true


  1. Open Registry Editor in administrator mode;
  2. Open HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ABBYY\FlexiCapture\12.0;
  3. Create DAForms if it does not exist;
  4. Create the key (string) DisableLimitHypothesisMemory with value - true
  5. The key needs to be created for each user that can run recognition (including the user that ABBYY Processing Station service is run under)

Please note:

  • It is still recommended to optimize FLS to generate fewer hypotheses rather than to turn off memory limitations completely as it can affect productivity and performance.
  • The registry key will work if you have FlexiCapture 12 version later than On earlier builds, it will not work.
  • It is recommended to apply the key for FlexiLayout first, test it and if that works, apply it for FlexiCapture as well.
  • Please reboot the machine after applying changes in the registry.

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