FlexiCapture 12 Release 4 Update 3 Patch 4 (Build #

Release Date: 30/04/2024

Build Number:

  • QR code recognition improvement. Includes new OCR Technology version.
  • Fixed SMTP configuration when SSL is enabled in Administration and Monitoring Console.
  • Fixed missing data validation warnings and error messages in the Reporting Database.
  • Fixed sharing violation error while adding new records simultaneously to the Vendors data set.
  • Fixed FC SOAP API method SendTask(). Obsolete PostProcessing will be removed from the code so that documents will not be deleted upon reaching Processing stage.
  • Fixed files naming conflict when exporting to SharePoint Online. The request fails with HTTP status code 429 (“Too many requests”) or 503 (“Server Too Busy”).
  • Extend the limit of 23 characters for custom field names in exported CSV file.
  • The limit of 23 characters was extended for custom field names in exported CSV file.
  • Fixed FC SOAP API method SendTask(). Obsolete PostProcessing will be removed from the code so that documents will not be deleted upon reaching Processing stage.
  • Fixed files naming conflict due to failed request when exporting to SharePoint Online.
  • Fixed sharing violation error while adding new records simultaneously to the Vendors data set.
  • The issue with font that caused misrecognition of symbols, was fixed.
  • The issue when columns RuleDefName, RuleType, RuleMessage, and IsError were not being updated within the DocumentRuleViolation table was fixed.
  • The issue when QR Code is not detected/recognized was fixed by OCR technology improvement.
  • Fixed SMTP configuration when SSL is enabled in Administration and Monitoring Console.
  • *add known bugs if any*

Distributed (64-bit)


Standalone (64-bit)


Note: For other installation packages, please get in touch with our Customer Support team.

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