How to examine situations where matching results are different in Project Setup Station and FlexiLayout Studio?


How to find out why the matching results are different in Project Setup Station and FlexiLayout Studio?


The recognition process may vary depending on the specific settings and configurations in each software. It is possible for the text layer of a PDF to be recognized differently in Project Setup Station and FlexiLayout Studio. Therefore, it is recommended to review and compare the settings and configurations in both components to ensure consistent and accurate text recognition.

If matching results are different in Project Setup Station and FlexiLayout Studio, then the following techniques can be used to check what can be the possible reason for such behavior:

  1. Check if the Image Processing options are the same for the Project Setup Station and FlexiLayout Studio:
    For Project Setup Station, the options are stored either in the Image Import Profile properties or in the Project/Batch Type Properties on the Image Processing tab:
    For images added manually using the Load images... option, the settings can be found by clicking the Image Processing Settings... button:
  2. If the Image Processing settings are identical, save the problematic image document from the batch as *.bmp or *.tiff file:
    Upload the saved file into the FlexiLayout Studio project and disable all the corrections in the Image Processing Settings:
    Match the layout by right-clicking on the uploaded document, and check the results.
  3. If the previous steps did not reveal the cause of the discrepancy and the original file is in PDF format, please try switching to the Use OCR only option on the Image Processing tab in the Project Properties:
  4. It may also be possible that the text layer of a PDF was recognized differently in Project Setup Station and FlexiLayout Studio:
    To check if this is the case,
    add extra blocks in the FlexiLayout Studio project that will show the region of the missing field in the Project Setup Station and the text captured in that region, to provide additional information.

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