How to create a custom stage


If there is a need to add some non-typical functionality to the FlexiCapture Distributed project, you can add Event Handler or Custom Script Stage. This article will show how to handle a custom stage.


  1. Add the custom stage by clicking Project > Project Properties > Workflow > select + Stage > Automatic and click OK.
  2. Select the Script stage and click Edit. Open Edit tab > chose script type Batch processing or Document processing, then Edit script...    mceclip1.png
  3. Use the Variable of IDocument and IProcessingCallback for Document script and bows of them with the IBatch for Batch processing script:mceclip2.png
  4. Save the script, close the Properties by clicking OK.
  5. Open Scanning station and upload the images or use the HotFolder because the images loaded to ProjectSetupStation directly will not work.

Note: For invoice fields access with selector Invoice Layout\\Field, for the custom layout Document Section 1\\Block.

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