What is the environment variable in FlexiCapture 12? How to use the environment variables?
The environment variable is a string that is used to store some text, such as a path to an external resource. If the project includes several Document Definitions, multiple database check rules, and several scripts, editing all of these objects may take quite some time.
To save time and avoid editing all the objects used by the Project, you can specify the paths to the external options in environment variables and use these variables when creating rules, setting export or writing scripts.
If you run your project in a different environment, you will simply need to edit the connection parameters in the Environment Variables dialog box.Environment variables are specified in the properties of a project (Project > Project Properties > Environment Variables) and are used in Document Definitions and scripts.
There are two types of environment variables in ABBYY FlexiCapture:
I. String This is a text variable.
1. specify a source of input images;
2. specify settings that determine how documents are exported to files and images.
Use the following syntax to call an environment variable:
<Env:Name_of_environment_variable> or <$:Name_of_environment_variable>.
II. ADO connection string This is a string used to connect to an ODBC-compatible database.
1. When creating a database check rule
2. In a Document Definition when setting up export
3. In a Document Definition when connecting a data set to an external database
4. In field properties, when specifying value constraints
Environment variables of any type can be used in scripts. Use the EnviromentVariables property of IProperties, which is available in the IProject interface.
To create or edit environment variables:
- In the Project Properties dialog box, click on the "Environment Variables" tab and then click the "New..." button.
- In the New Environment Variable dialog box, select a type and enter a name for the environment variable. You will not be able to change the type of environment variable later.
- Complete the Value field depending on the type of your environment variable:
For an environment variable of type String, enter a value (e.g. the path to a folder or e-mail address).
For an environment variable of type ADO connection string, specify the path to the database, the access parameters, and any other connection parameters required by the driver that you use. - Enter any necessary information in the "Description" field.
To edit or delete an existing environment variable, click on "Edit.." or "Delete"
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