The error Referenced file not found: '<DataSet name>' is shown when opening the Document Definition.
The issue is most probably related to the corresponding DataSet corruption.
In order to solve this issue, follow these steps:
- Close Project Setup Station if it’s opened.
- Start Process Monitor utility (Process Monitor - Sysinternals). Set to capture only file system activity.
- Start Project Setup Station and try to open Document Definition Editor for Document Definition with the issue. Wait until “file not found” appear, and remember the file name.
- Go to Process Monitor, stop activity capture, and set filter to show only records containing the file name in the path – there should be the path to a temp folder ending with [<N>]<FileName> where <N> – some number, <FileName> – the name of the data set.
By default, the temp folder starts with C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Roaming\ABBYY\FlexiCapture\<FCVersion>\CheckoutData. - Open FlexiCapture File Storage and find the last available data set caches (the path should be similar to <FileStoragePath>\<GUID>\project_<ProjectId>\DatabaseCaches_TemplateCaches\Template_<TemplateId>\Version_<VersionNumber>).
- Select the folder with the name <FileName> from step 4, copy it to the temp folder, and add [<N>] to the name.
- Repeat steps 3-6 (without starting Project Setup Station on step 3 and stopping activity capture on step 4) for all data sets where the issue is reproduced.
- When the Document Definition will be finally opened, go to the Data Sets tab and update the data sets. Save the changes and publish the Document Definition.
Franz Seebacher
Can someone please translate this?
Because i am having this issue and this guide doesnt really help.
How do i know my Template ID with multiple Document Definitions. Do i just use the most recently changed? altho the last change is more than 2 months ago?
What is step 6 even supposed to be. What exactly do i copy.
Add [<N>] where?
Do i copy my BusinessUnits Folder to the temp Folder where the files InvoiceSettings.xml and InvoiceSettings.xml.objectlock are? And then rename it to BusniessUnits[0]? What? Why not [0]BusniessUnits?
What exactly am i supposed to do in the Database after? Where in the Database do i find it and what do i do then?
Nothing personal but this is an awful guide, please clear it up
This is my procmon message
Now what do i copy from where to where and what do i do in the database?
Scott Rice
This saved my users hours of address changes and adding missing vendors. Thanks so much!!
Also had no problem following the guide however another way of saying what you are may be with an example.
I found BusinessUnits folder in my external storage copied that folder to the file path found from Process monitor. However the path of the missing file in process monitor has [0]BusinessUnits. So changed the one I copied to look the same. Thus changing the name of the copied file to [0]BusinessUnits.
Also I didn't look in my database but the only need to look there is to determine which folder in the external storage to look in. In my case I had alot more data in one of my folders so assumed that that was the one I wanted.
Thanks again.
Jan Hrin
Thank you. This article helped me.
Although I have to admit that it is a bit confusing.
Thats the reason I upload some sample images from my case here.
During disaster recovery testing, we where unable to open DD because "Vendors" file was missing.
From Processing Monitor app I checked that this temp file with (786) ID was not found.
I found out that on Filestorage also file with "Vendors" and 786 ID is missing:
I just copied a newer version in Filestorage and renamed 788 version to 786.

Adam Zawiasa
Dear Jan Hrin,
Your comment should be added to the solution for this issue. It also helped us - thank you.
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