The Open API is a component of FineReader Server. It can be installed onto any computer in the network.
FineReader Server provides two types of Open API for integration with external systems:
- COM-based API
- Web Services API
The Web services API enables communication with remote systems via HTTP and therefore allows for remote integration over the Internet. In case of the Web services API, you do not need to install any components on the client computer.
The FineReader Server 14 Web Services API includes a SOAP API and a REST API.
For detailed information please visit API Overview
The Web Services API provides two services:
- WebService (http://<ServerName>/FineReaderServer14/WebService.asmx)
- ServerManager service (http://<ServerName>/FineReaderServer14/ServerManager.asmx)
For detailed information please visit Using WebAPI
Note. In Recognition Server 4.0 the service is available via the following address: http://<ServerName>/Recognition4WS/RSSoapService.asmx
For more information on using the API in Recognition Server, see the built-in help by the path:
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ABBYY Recognition Server 4\Help\Open API Help
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