What does "Samples matched" in Field Extraction Training Batches mean?


What does "Samples matched" in Field Extraction Training Batches mean? Why it is lower than the "Samples count"?


In the Field Extraction Training Batches view you can see the metric Samples matched. By default it can be found to the right of Samples count:


  • Samples count column shows the total number of documents in the training batch.
  • Samples matched column shows the total number of documents in the batch that have absolutely all of the trained fields matched correctly when the trained layout was tested. If you see in training log warning like "Document 1: Page 1: The field 'Amounts\TotalTaxAmount' has not been matched or has been matched incorrectly" then such document will not be added to Samples matched.
  • Samples matched cannot be higher than the Samples count. It should be noted that it is OK to not have all of the samples matched (i.e., Samples matched = Samples count), since either because of the image quality of samples or because some samples may not have all the fields, the Samples matched can be lower than Samples Count.

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