This method finds a machine-readable zone on the image and extracts data from it.
Machine-readable zone (MRZ) is typically found on official travel or identity documents of many countries. It can have 2 lines or 3 lines of machine-readable data. This method allows to process MRZ written in accordance with ICAO Document 9303 (endorsed by the International Organization for Standardization and the International Electrotechnical Commission as ISO/IEC 7501-1)).
Customize the following request URL according to your application processing location:
The image file is transmitted in the request body. See the list of supported input formats.
The result of recognition is returned in XML format.
Examples of documents with MRZ
The 2-line MRZ can be found, for example, in Russian international passport:
The 3-line MRZ see on this example of Kazakhstan identity card:
This method has no parameters.
Status codes and response format
General status codes and response format of the method are described in HTTP Status Codes and Response Formats.
Output file format
The output XML file has the following format:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <document type="mrz" xmlns=""> <field type="LastName"> <value>MALBORSKYI</value> </field> <field type="DocumentNumber"> <value>755327941</value> </field> ... </document>
If the output file contains empty <document/> tag no MRZ was found on the recognized image.
See the XSD schema of an output file.
Possible field types of the machine-readable zone
Field type | Description |
MrzType |
The number of lines in MRZ. It can have one of the following values:
The example of a 2-line MRZ: |
Line1 |
All characters of the first line of machine readable zone. Example: P<RUSMALBORSKYI<<KOVBOJ<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< |
Line2 |
All characters of the second line of machine readable zone. Example: 7553279419RUS8712242M2104131<<<<<<<<<<<<<<02 |
Line3 | All characters of the third line of machine readable zone (if exists). |
DocumentType |
The type of a document. It is the first character of the first line. Example: P, which indicates a passport. |
DocumentSubtype | The subtype of a document (if exists). It is the second character of the first line. |
IssuingCountry |
Code of issuing state (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code). Example: RUS |
LastName |
Surname. Example: MALBORSKYI |
GivenName |
One or several given names separated with the space character. Example: KOVBOJ |
DocumentNumber |
The number of a document. Example: 755327941 |
DocumentNumberVerified |
The Boolean value that specifies whether the checksum over the document number matches the check digit. It can have one of the following values:
DocumentNumberCheck |
The check digit over the document number. Example: 9 |
Nationality | Nationality (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code).
Example: RUS |
BirthDate |
Date of birth in the format: YYMMDD. Example: 871224 |
BirthDateVerified |
The Boolean value that specifies whether the checksum over the birth date matches the check digit. It can have one of the following values:
BirthDateCheck |
The check digit over the birth date. Example: 2 |
Sex |
Sex. It can have one of the following values:
ExpiryDate |
Date of expiry in the format: YYMMDD. Example: 210413 |
ExpiryDateVerified |
The Boolean value that specifies whether the checksum over the expiry date matches the check digit. It can have one of the following values:
ExpiryDateCheck |
The check digit over the expiry date. Example: 1 |
PersonalNumber | Personal number. Personal number and its check digit are optional in MRZ. |
PersonalNumberVerified |
The Boolean value that specifies whether the checksum over the personal number matches the check digit. It can have one of the following values:
PersonalNumberCheck |
The check digit over the personal number. Personal number and its check digit are optional in MRZ. |
OptionalDataLine1 | Optional data from the first line of the 3-line MRZ. |
OptionalDataLine2 | Optional data from the second line of the 3-line MRZ. |
Checksum |
The check digit over the document number, birth date, expiry date, personal number, optional data, and their check digits. Example: 2 |
ChecksumVerified |
The Boolean value that specifies whether the checksum over the document number, birth date, expiry date, personal number, optional data, and their check digits matches the check digit. It can have one of the following values:
You can check the quality of data extraction by the value of this field. However note that there is no check digit over the surname and given names. Therefore these fields may contain recognition errors even if the checksum over all other fields matches the check digit. |
For more information on MRZ standard see Wikipedia.
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