Segregate vendor verification by users in FlexiCapture 12


I want to segregate invoices as per their vendors to different users. User1 will handle 'xyz' vendor and user2 will handle 'pqr' vendor on the verification station.


The distribution of invoices from different Vendors to different users for Verification can be done via creating custom User roles and additional Verification stages in the Advanced workflow, sending the documents to the specific Verification stage depending on the identified Vendor ID, and assigning a specific user to work with the specific Verification queue:

1. A separate Custom Verification Stage should be created for each Vendor (Project > Project Properties > Workflow):



2. The verification stage should be restricted to use a particular Document Definition for this Vendor:




3. Entry Conditions Rule for the new custom stage in Advanced Workflow should be restricted using conditions to route the required document to the stage. For example, the value of VendorName field is equal to "VendorName", then the batch will be passed to this stage:


Please use either Vendor ID or simple Vendor Name in the stage rule to avoid missing documents due to incorrect recognition.

4. Then, the corresponding User Role should be created and the newly created Stage should be checked. Thus, the Custom Role ​is allowed to process only this custom stage


Additionally, the users in the Administrator and Monitoring Console should be restricted with this Role only (Settings > Users > left-click on username > Roles):

Thus, when these users log in to Verification Station, they will be able to verify the documents which allowed for this Custom Role, i.e. Custom Verification Profile documents that are restricted with particular Vendor Name value. In this case, the users in their queue will see only these Vendors' documents and will be able to verify them.

Please note that default verification stages should be below the recognition stage:








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