How to Import/Export Configuration.xml file


How do I import and export the FineReader Server/Recognition Server settings?


  1. Open Administration Console -> FineReader Server Options:mceclip0.png
  2. Export button: Exports FineReader Server/Recognition Server settings into an XML file.

    Note. You also have the option to save your confidential data (passwords, tokens, etc.) while exporting the settings:

  3. Import button: Imports FineReader Server/Recognition Server settings from an XML file

    If you updating to FineReader Server from Recognition Server, please note:
    1. The server should be stopped before importing:mceclip0.png
    2. In the Open dialog box, specify the path to the Configuration.xml file:
      • <ABBYY Recognition Server installation folder>\Bin\Configuration3.xml – for ABBYY Recognition Server 3.5 or earlier
      • %PROGRAMDATA%\ABBYY Recognition Server 4.0\Configuration.xml– for ABBYY Recognition Server 4.0

Note: User dictionaries, samples, and templates are saved to separate files and are not transferred when importing configurations. They must be connected separately in the workflow settings.

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