Import from the mailbox using IMAP, POP3 or Microsoft Graph Mail API fails: "Cannot initialize MAPI: Microsoft Outlook is not installed"


Import from the mailbox using IMAP, POP3 or Microsoft Graph Mail API fails with the following error message in the Task log:

Cannot initialize MAPI: Microsoft Outlook is not installed


In the import folder of the mailbox there are one or more emails that have the following:

  1. The email has another email as an attachment.
  2. The attached email has the attachments as well.

When such emails are being processed, FlexiCapture will try to open the attached email with Microsoft Outlook and if failed, the above error will be recorded in the Task log.


Delete such emails from the mailbox.

To process them it is needed to delete the attached emails from the original emails and resend them to the mailbox.

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