The following error occurs when training the classifier:
Can not update batch item $ in batch $. batch item is not locked for session $session_number$ in method { call BatchItem_InsertVersion(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) }
- Exit all FlexiCapture 12 Stations (Project Setup Station, Verification Station, etc.).
- Wait for all FlexiCapture processes (flexiex.exe, flexibr.exe) to end and disappear from the task manager.
- Restart the station and confirm if the issue was resolved.
If the above actions do not solve this issue, try to perform the following actions:
Backup of the project should be created before any actions.
- Delete the affected classification batch.
- Try to reimport the batch.
- There is a chance that the next batch could be affected by the issue. In that case, the solution is to delete batches and reimport them.
1 comment
Sunny Jha
Why does this error occur? Can you explain that?
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