Classification Training: "batch item is not locked for session" error


The following error occurs when training the classifier:

Can not update batch item $ in batch $. batch item is not locked for session $session_number$ in method { call BatchItem_InsertVersion(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) }


  1. Exit all FlexiCapture 12 Stations (Project Setup Station, Verification Station, etc.).
  2. Wait for all FlexiCapture processes (flexiex.exe, flexibr.exe) to end and disappear from the task manager.
  3. Restart the station and confirm if the issue was resolved.

If the above actions do not solve this issue, try to perform the following actions:

Backup of the project should be created before any actions.

  1. Delete the affected classification batch. 
  2. Try to reimport the batch.
  3. There is a chance that the next batch could be affected by the issue. In that case, the solution is to delete batches and reimport them.

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1 comment

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    Sunny Jha

    Why does this error occur? Can you explain that?


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