How to use environment variable as a path to the Hot Folder in the Image Import Profile


How to use the environment variable as a Source in the Image Import Profile?


To use the environment variable as a Source in the Image Import Profile:

  1. Go to Project Properties > Environment Variables and click on the New button to create a variable for a specific import profile;
  2. Choose the String type and name for the variable;
  3. Specify the full path to your Hot Folder in the Value field:Screenshot_2022-04-14_130422.png
  4. Create a new Image Import Profile and use the following syntax to call an environment variable in the Source field: <Env:Name_of_environment_variable>Screenshot_2022-04-14_130354.png

Important: It's not possible to use an environment variable as a part of the path in Source in the Image Import Profile, you need to use it only as a full path either in the local or network path.

Important: Only the <Env:Name_of_environment_variable> format is accepted in the Source field in the Image Import Profile.


Additional information

Environmental variables


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