How to set up Microsoft Graph Mail API import profile from shared mailboxes in FlexiCapture 12.


How to set up Microsoft Graph Mail API import profile from shared mailboxes in FlexiCapture 12?



To set up import from shared mailboxes, do the following:

  1. Click Sign in....
  2. Click the link in the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Wizard to sign in to your Microsoft account.
  3. Grant the required permissions to the application.
  4. Return to the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Wizard and click Settings….
  5. In the Connection Settings dialog:
    1. Disable the Use personal mailbox option, which is enabled by default.
    2. Enter the Username in the corresponding field.
    3. Leave the Password field empty, as it is not used.
  6. Now, when the folder list is opened when clicking Browse..., shared mailbox folders will be displayed.

Additional Information

Importing images using Microsoft Graph Mail API

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