
Correct command line to extract text from image

Hi Gurus,

Can anyone help me discover what I am doing wrong?

"C:\Program Files (x86)\ABBYY FineReader 14\FineCmd.exe" C:\Temp\rectangle.tiff /lang English /out C:\Temp\rectangle.txt /report C:\Temp\report.txt

With the above command I have only managed to create the report file but the output file is missing.

Link to the tested file: 

Link to the report: 

However the report is not long so allow me to drop it here:

<Report xmlns:sys="" sys:serializationVersion="0">
    <taOperation class="TaskAutomation.OpenImagesOperation" start="2024-02-14 10:47:38" stop="2024-02-14 10:47:39" duration="1,110">
        <settings forceAsPhoto="false">
            <file path="C:\Temp\rectangle.tiff" pages=""/>
                <image path="C:\Temp\rectangle.tiff" pagesToOpen="0"/>
    <taOperation class="TaskAutomation.RecognizeOperation" start="2024-02-14 10:47:39" stop="2024-02-14 10:47:41" duration="2,683">
        <settings inParallel="true" mode="0"/>
                <message type="readdPage" severity="warning" text="Zwiększ rozdzielczość do 300 dpi lub więcej." time="2024-02-14 10:47:41" page="1" source="C:\Temp\rectangle.tiff" sourcePage="0"/>
    <taOperation class="TaskAutomation.DocumentSynthesisOperation" start="2024-02-14 10:47:41" stop="2024-02-14 10:47:43" duration="1,102">

There is a warning that the image resolution should be increased to 300 DPI but I have no issues when I do the same manually via the app.
By the way this for instance works and sends text to excel:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\ABBYY FineReader 14\FineReaderOCR.exe" C:\Temp\rectangle.tiff /lang English /send MsExcel


Can anyone enlighten me? Thanks

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    Victoria Dvornikova

    Hello Jakub,

    In order to save results from Command line conversion you should have a special license. But from your description I see that you don't receive any error, so it is better to check internally what FineReader license you have. I've created a support ticket for further analysis of the situation described.

    As a reference here is the article with the issue when the error "This feature is not available for your license" occurs: 

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    Jakub Konstantynowicz

    Hi Victoria,

    That's what I can say about my license when checking in the app. Anything meaningful to you? Nevertheless I will check with our License manager:

    Edition Corporate
    Expiration Date Never
    activation date 2005-11-18 12:01
    License server AWELOCPOLOOI
    # of workstation 1
    PDF Editor Yes
    OCR Editor Yes
    Compare Documents Yes
    Hot Folder Yes
    Hot Folder Core Count 2
    Hot Folder pages O of 5000. renewal on 08-03-2412:01 (every 30 days)
    Bates Numbemg Yes
    Delete Metadata Yes
    Digital Signature Yes
    Automated Tasks Yes
    Redaction Yes
    Microsoft SharePoint Yes
    PDF/A Yes
    @ User Interface Languages  
    All Interface Languages YES
    @ Recognition Languages  
    All OCR Languages YES
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    Victoria Dvornikova

    Sorry to say, but for FineReader 14 there was no support for exporting the file, you may only send the resulting file to the application with the send command as you did for Excel format. 


    "C:\Program Files (x86)\ABBYY FineReader 14\FineCmd.exe" C:\Temp\rectangle.tiff /lang English /send MSWord /report C:\Temp\report.txt

    There was no documentation in FineReader 14 User's guide for such a workflow but commands are the same as for FineReader PDF 16:

    On the following page  you may find the list of saving parameters that are supported in the special FineReader PDF 16 license. To request such type of license, please use the Contact Sales form: 

    * Note, I've removed your support ticket that was created as it was possible to provide you with this information without checking your license number. 


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