If you are looking to adjust the following Timeouts:
Inactive Session Timeout
Timeout for Postponed Tasks
Timeout for Deferred Rescan Tasks
Timeout for Tasks assigned to a Specific User
This article is the right one for you.
All of the mentioned timeouts need to be configured on the application server machine (on the computer where FlexiCapture Server is installed) in IIS (Internet Information Service)
To revoke a task during the verification while the user is inactive, you need to configure the main server timeout - the lifetime of an inactive session.
It is important to remember that the timeout affects not the tasks, but the session – in case the station freezes or there is no user activity, the session will be deleted after the timeout. (The processing server starts cleaning once an hour. It accesses the application server, which in turn deletes all sessions with an expired timeout).
The timeout acts at the stations:
- Verification and data verification stations, local and remote ones
- Project Setup Station
The timeout is configured on the application server machine (on the computer where FlexiCapture Server is installed) in IIS (Internet Information Service)
非アクティブ セッション タイムアウト セットアップ
Timeout settings are stored at \FlexiCapture12\Server\web.config - <appSettings> (\Default Web Site\FlexiCapture12\Server - Application Settings:
1) Open Administrative Tools (Control Panel\System and Security\Administrative Tools) and choose Internet Information Service (IIS) Manager:
2) In the IIS Manager choose FlexiCapture Server (Sites -> Default Web Site -> FlexiCapture12)
3) Choose Server Folder and open Application Settings in the right side.
4) Change the value of the key InactiveSessionTimeoutMinutes at Application Settings – timeout value in minutes (in case you don’t have such key there, add it).
Please note that server cleans expired sessions once an hour.
In case the timeout at the thick station has expired, after trying to make changes to the task you will receive a message that the session is closed.
延期されたタスク の タイムアウト
Is configured on the application server in IIS as well.
\FlexiCapture12\Server\web.config - <appSettings> (\Default Web Site\FlexiCapture12\Server - Application Settings) (see steps 1-3 in Inactive Session Timeout Setup)
In Application Settings, change the value of the PostponedTaskExpirationMinutes key (if there is no such key, then you need to add it). This applies to the whole complex. The value is how many minutes you can keep the verification task pending. The default value is 0 (cleaning off). If cleaning works for a task, it returns to the queue and event 28 “task return from deferred” is written to the log. Edits to the task that were saved to the server are not lost during the process, and then the operator will have the opportunity to either commit or roll them back.
再スキャン タスク のタイムアウト を変える
It is configured on the application server in IIS as well.
\FlexiCapture12\Server\web.config - <appSettings> (\Default Web Site\FlexiCapture12\Server - Application Settings) (see steps 1-3 in Inactive Session Timeout Setup)
In Application Settings, change the value of the RescanningTaskExpirationMinutes key (if there is no such key, then you need to add it). Similar to PostponedTaskExpirationMinutes, but for deferred rescan tasks. The processing server performs cleaning once an hour; within each cleaning, it first cleans the verification tasks, then rescan ones.
特定のユーザー に 割り当てられたタスクのタイムアウト
Configured on the application server in IIS as well.
\FlexiCapture12\Server\web.config - <appSettings> (\Default Web Site\FlexiCapture12\Server - Application Settings) (see steps 1-3 in Inactive Session Timeout Setup)
In Application Settings, change the value of the PersonalTaskExpirationMinutes key (if there is no such key, then you need to add it). Similar to PostponedTaskExpirationMinutes, but for tasks assigned to a specific user. After this timeout, the task is returned to the shared pool.
Web 検証ステーション の タイムアウト
Verification Web Station Timeout is configured separately at \Default Web Site\FlexiCapture12\Verification.
This timeout only affects web stations (it does not affect thick stations).
Configuration steps:
1) Open the Administrative Tools (Control Panel \ System and Security \ Administrative Tools) and select the Internet Information Service (IIS) Manager:
2) In the IIS Manager, select the FlexiCapture server (Sites -> Default Web Site -> FlexiCapture12)
3) Open the Verification folder and select Application Settings on the right
4) In Application Settings, change the parameter values
SessionInactiveLifetimeInMinutes - timeout for tasks in minutes (default value is 120 minutes)
SessionRefreshInterval - check interval in milliseconds (default value is 60,000, i.e. 1 time per minute)
If there are no such keys, then you need to add them
【警告!】In case a timeout is configured on the server (the lifetime of an inactive session), after the server timeout expires, the web session will show verification errors and prevent the open task from being saved.
In case a web timeout is configured, after it expires, the web page will simply switch to the login page.