There are several options to calculate the recognition confidence rate:
- Confidence rate of a single character;
- Confidence rate of a field;
- Confidence rate of all characters in a document.
Two possibilities to get a confidence rate of a single character are available:
- Export confidence into an XML-file as a mask in format “0010011”. You can enable this option in the Export settings within your Document Definition (Document Definition > Export Settings > select an export destination > click “Options” button near the “XML Document” data format > activate the option “Character recognition quality info”).
Please note that in this case certainly recognized character will be marked as “0” and uncertainly recognized – as “1”. The decision whether the character is certainly recognized is based on the settings specified in the field properties on the Verification tab (“Highlight characters if confidence level is less than”): - You can find a confidence level for every character in a field using ICharacterParams properties. For example, a line
int confidenceValue = Context.Field("FirstName").Symbols[0].Confidence;
returns a confidence value from 0 to 100 for the first character in the “FirstName” field. You may find more information in the corresponding article in the official Help: ICharacterParams.
フィールドの 精度率
You may calculate a confidence rate of a field using a script. For example, the following script is provided in the official documentation for FlexiCapture 12 (Sample scripts for creating custom rules: Field reliability check). The rule code provided below checks the number of uncertain characters in the field and clears the field if the number of uncertain characters is greater than or equals three. This is an Autocorrection script.
Dim totQty, suspQty
Dim i
totQty = me.Symbols.Count
suspQty = 0
for i = 0 to totQty - 1
if me.Symbols.Item(i).IsSuspicious = true then
suspQty = suspQty + 1
end if
if suspQty >= 3 then
me.Text = ""
end if
var susp, qty, strpos, i, SC, strposPrev
strposPrev = 1
qty = 0
SC = "1"
susp = SuspiciousSymbols
for ( i = 0; i < susp.length; i++) {
strpos = susp.indexOf (SC,i)
if ((strpos != strposPrev) && (strpos != -1)) {
qty = qty + 1
strposPrev = strpos
if (qty >= 3) {
text = ""
1文書 内の全ての文字の精度率
It is possible to get a confidence level for the whole document using service fields with data sources “Document uncertain symbols count” and “Document recognized symbols count”. Please find more information about service fields in the official Guide: Service fields and Data source properties.