Is there any way to export the entire user list from the Administration & Monitoring Console?


Is there any way to export the entire user list from the Administration & Monitoring Console?



There is no special option/button to select users from the list and export user details. Corresponding information is stored in dbo.principal / dbo.permission in the database.
This information can also be obtained through the API.
User management API is accessible via a different endpoint - /FlexiCapture12/Server/FCAuth/AuthAPI/v1/Soap. This endpoint, among others, contains the following methods that might be helpful:

  • GetUser - returns information about a specific user (user ID, name, full name, email, and tenant ID);
  • GetUserPermissions - returns information about user permissions for specific batch types, projects, and respective roles;
  • GetGroups - returns a list of all groups on the server;
  • GetUsersInGroup - using a GroupID value.

Additional information
Web Services for user account management
User management
Group management

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