- Troubleshooting Guide for ABBYY FlexiCapture 12
- FlexiCapture 12 Specifications
- FlexiCapture 11 Specifications
- End of support for accessing Google Accounts in third-party apps via password
- Resolving Issues with ABBYY Scanning Plugin Installation Requests
- Does FlexiCapture 12 have any default IP address whitelisting?
- How to change time zone used by FlexiCapture 12?
- Is it possible to withdraw the user's permissions automatically after a period of inactivity?
- Is there any way to export the entire user list from the Administration & Monitoring Console?
- How to set unlimited processes in Processing Station properties?
- In Performance Reports the date/time of provided data is being shifted by 10 minutes
- How to group data in the license consumption report by date using API?
- Does a tenant administrator have access to other tenants?
- Error 1722. An error occured with this Windows Installer package. Action Launch_FlexiBrSvc. exe_PerformanceCounter_64, location: O:\Program Files\ABBYY FlexiCapture 12 Stations\FlexiBrSvc.exe, command: -installcounters
- How to set up a Processing Station to handle only one specific task type?
- Database update fails in the Administration & Monitoring Console with error: There is already an object named 'pfBatchRouting' in the database
- Is it possible to get information from the FlexiCapture database on what pages are with 0% character extraction?
- How FlexiCapture 12 Distributed user credentials are stored?
- Error when opening the project from Application Server: "Unable to access Project's options. This object is corrupt ()”
- The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel
- How to move a Processing Station to a different environment?
- Login doesn't work when using the Application Server and web stations on different computers
- User group and roles are not assigned automatically when the user logs in using SSO
- What is the time zone used for the date column in the exported event log file?
- What happens if a user is logged in to a web verification station in two different tabs at the same time?
- Error on finding a user group in Active Directory: The server is not operational
- Opening the login link from email notification results in an error: Server Error in '/FlexiCapturel2/Login' Application. The resource cannot be found
- How to troubleshoot an FTP\SFTP-related issue in FlexiCapture 12?
- SSL/TLS certificate-related errors in logs during document processing
- Error during processing a document: Cannot process page because licensed page limit was reached.