Users may encounter repeated requests to install the ABBYY Scanning Plugin despite previous installations.
"Install Scanning Plugin
To enable scanning install the Scanning Plugin."
One common cause of these symptoms is improper installation of the ABBYY Scanning Plugin. This can occur if the plugin was not installed with administrator privileges. To verify, check if the plugin files are present in C:\Program Files\ABBYY\ScanningPlugin.
Another potential cause could be network interference or antivirus software blocking the ScanningMonitorBR.exe process, causing it to become stuck or fail to run altogether.
To resolve issues related to the ABBYY Scanning Plugin installation and operation, follow these steps:
- Verify Installation:
Ensure that the ABBYY Scanning Plugin is installed correctly with administrator privileges. Check that the plugin files are located in C:\Program Files\ABBYY\ScanningPlugin. - Address Network or Antivirus Issues:
If network interference or antivirus software is suspected, configure the firewall or antivirus settings to allow the ScanningMonitorBR.exe process to run without interruption. - Workaround Using BAT File:
To handle exceptional situations where the plugin may not function correctly due to network or antivirus issues, an administrator can implement a monitoring BAT file: - Create BAT File (ABBYYMonitorService.bat):
@echo off
This BAT file continuously checks if the ScanningMonitorBR.exe process is running and attempts to start it if it is not. The delay values can be modified as needed, but please note that the service requires some time to start, and an HTTP request must also be allowed time to wait for a response. Therefore, one may choose to use the suggested values.
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set DELAY=5
set URL=http://localhost:53633/abbyyscanplugin/getVersion
set FILENAME=C:\\Program Files\\ABBYY\\ScanningPlugin\\3.0\\ScanningPluginBR.exe
set EXECUTABLE=ScanningPluginBR.exe
REM Define the path to the file
set "StatusFile=%TEMP%\http_status.txt"
rem Lets allow Windows to start the services
timeout /t %startdelay% /nobreak > nul
REM Infinite loop to continuously read and update the file
REM Clear the status variable before each read
set "status="
REM Update the status via URL
powershell -Command "& { try { $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '%URL%' -TimeoutSec %HTTPDELAY% -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Output $response.StatusCode } catch { Write-Output $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode } }" > "%TEMP%\http_status.txt"
REM Read the first line from http_status.txt into the status variable
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%A in ("%StatusFile%") do (
set "status=%%A"
REM Display the content of the variable (optional)
echo HTTP Status: !status!
echo %status%
if DEFINED status (
echo "Status is defined"
if "%status%" equ "200" (
echo "DEBUG no need to do anything"
) else (
echo "DEBUG need to start as status is %status%"
rem Killing an old process
tasklist /fi "imagename eq %EXECUTABLE%" 2>nul | find /i "%EXECUTABLE%" > nul
if not errorlevel 1 (
REM If process is running, kill it
taskkill /f /im %EXECUTABLE%
echo Process killed.
rem Starting the service slowly
start "" "C:\\Program Files\\ABBYY\\ScanningPlugin\\3.0\\ScanningPluginBR.exe" /server
timeout /t %startdelay% /nobreak > nul
) else (
echo "Not defined"
rem Starting the service slowly
start "" "C:\\Program Files\\ABBYY\\ScanningPlugin\\3.0\\ScanningPluginBR.exe" /server
timeout /t %startdelay% /nobreak > nul
REM Wait for 1 second before reading again
timeout /t %DELAY% /nobreak >nul
REM Jump back to the loop label
goto loop
endlocal - Create VBS Script to Start BAT File Silently (ABBYYPluginMonitorStarter.vbs):
On Error Resume Next
This VBScript (ABBYYPluginMonitorStarter.vbs) runs the BAT file (ABBYYMonitorService.bat) silently without displaying the command prompt window.
Dim shell
Set shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
shell.Run "C:\Automation\ABBYYMonitorService.bat", 0, True
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
WScript.Echo "Error: " & Err.Description
WScript.Echo "ABBYY Monitor executed successfully."
End If
- Implementation:
Place ABBYYMonitorService.bat in C:\Automation (create this folder if it does not exist). Then, for each user, create ABBYYPluginMonitorStarter.vbs to start the BAT file without showing the command prompt window. The VBS script will appear in the Task Manager as wscript.exe. An administrator can start it manually to ensure that there are no permission-related issues that can prevent the VBS script from running the BAT script.
- To test the suggested workaround, kill the process ScanningPluginBR.exe and ensure that it restarts automatically with a new PID. Also, ensure that the PID remains the same for a time longer than the duration of a loop, which in the default case is 10 seconds.
By following these steps, an administrator can ensure that the ABBYY Scanning Plugin operates correctly and efficiently on the system, mitigating installation issues and improving scanning functionality.
Add an app to run automatically at startup in Windows 10 - Microsoft Support
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