Can’t set up image import from e-mail server via POP3

All help recommendations for setting up image import from e-mail server via POP3 are implemented, but import doesn’t work or works incorrectly. For example, error message Network request to the remote server timed out appears, or the same e-mail is processed repeatedly. 

Described issue can be caused by improper mail server settings.

To test connection with mail server via POP3, you can use Telnet client. To do it make the following steps:

  1. Install Telnet client. 
  2. Run telnet.exe, then enter commands
  • set logfile <full_path_to_log_file >
  • o <ip-adress_or_server_name> <port_number>

When connection is made, make the following commands:

  • USER <username>
  • PASS <password>
  • STAT
  • RETR 1
  • DELE 1
  • QUIT 

Warning: for running these commands properly, there should be at least one email in the mail box. You should consider that all mails from the mail box can be lost during testing.

If some command leads to the error message, we can recommend you to check mail server settings.

If these settings are correct, or all commands were executed correctly, please, contact our Technical Support and submit your request with attached the full log of command sequence from item 2. You can erase the password from the log, but all responses (including greeting line) should be saved. 

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