- Freezes and slowness of Remote Administration Console
- Adding OAuth profile fails with error: Flow failed. Failure info/error: Connect to token endpoint failed. ChilkatLog:
- Options in Scanning Station are missing after upgrade to FineReader Server from Recognition Server
- Internal program error: D:\Build\TeamAgent\_work\5\s\OCRT\Barcodes\Barcode\Recognizer\Matrix\Cnn\Matrix.CnnRawGridBuilder.cpp, 389.
- Unknown library: <name> on<SharePointAddress> cannot be null. Parameter name: source Value cannot be null. Parameter name: source
- Failed to retrieve part of a job log
- Error when using Sharepoint: Cannot send a content-body with this verb-type
- Error when creating workflow: Unable to perform RPC call. The RPC call completed before all pipes were processed.
- A sharing violation occurred while accessing C:\ProgramData\ABBYY FineReader Server 14.0\PS14WF\Images\....
- Is the ABBYY FineReader Server 14 product affected by the OpenOffice vulnerabilities?
- FRS 14 Error "XFA-based Pdf files can't be processed correctly."
- Resource dependency when adding new stations
- Error message: the requested functionality is not supported by the license
- Some pages in output PDF are grayscale instead of color
- "Error. Graph mail client: Access denied. Please ensure that current user has sufficient permissions to start new COM servers"
- Are FineReader Server 14 or Recognition Server 4 affected by the Spring4Shell CVE vulnerability?
- XML parsing error: Incorrect root tag
- FRS 14: Access to C:\ProgramData\ABBYY FineReader Server 14.0\Configuration.bak was denied.
- FRS: FineReader Server puts files in the exception folder even when there are no files running in the program. Receiving unexpected output during using FRS14
- Some of the working folders are inaccessible: \\server folder path
- "To improve recognition of small text, increase the resolution" message
- How to fix a "0% done" state for FineReader Server 14 jobs
- FineReader Server - clean disk space
- Error message "Conversion of file ...timed out." for the XLSX output
- How to assign a processing station to a specific workflow ?
- FineReader Server 14 Export via SMTP: Cannot send e-mail message. Network connection error. 258
- Export to Excel (xls and xlsx files) in FineReader Server 14 fails with UnicodeTranslation.cpp, 88 error
- ABBYY Recognition Server 4: Internal program error: .\src\JobQueueTable.cpp, 186.
- IPE: JobProcessor.cpp, 250 when processing files without Processing Stations with Preprocessing role
- Unable to use the working folder '%very long path%'