ABBYY Customer Support Handbook: registering and submitting a support request

As part of ABBYY’s continuous improvement program, we have implemented a self-service Help Center built on the Zendesk platform.

This solution connects all of the regional ABBYY Customer Support in one place and provides more convenient control and efficient handling of support requests. The solution allows customers to create, update and monitor the status of the support request.

This three-part guide provides an overview of how to work with ABBYY Help Center:

Part 1 - Registering and submitting a support request
Part 2 - Editing Help Center profile and changing password
Part 3 - Updating and closing a support request

Topics covered in this article:

Submitting a support request via the Help Center
Submitting a support request via email


To start using the Help Center you need to complete the registration process:

  1. Go to ABBYY Help Center. Help Center supports the following browsers:
    • Google Chrome: latest two versions
    • Mozilla Firefox: latest two versions
    • Apple Safari: latest two versions
    • Microsoft Edge: latest two versions
  2. Click Sign in.
  3. If it's the first time you're contacting ABBYY Customer Support click Sign up:mceclip0.png
    Enter your first and last name in the Your full name* field, enter a contact email address in the Your email*field and click Sign up.
  4. An email containing a link will be sent to the email address you've specified during the registration. Follow the link and set your password. You'll be redirected to the Help Center front page after setting your password.mceclip1.png
  5. If you've previously contacted ABBYY Customer Support click Get a password:mceclip3.png
    Enter the email address you've used to contact ABBYY Customer Support and an email containing a link will be sent to the email address you've specified. Follow that link and set your new password:mceclip2.png

Congratulations, you have successfully registered in ABBYY Help Center!

Submitting a support request via the Help Center

To submit a support request, go to the Help Center, log in and click Submit a request:

After selecting the product from the drop-down list, fill in the ticket form. Depending on the product type you select, you will be presented with a set of fields: 

  • CC – list of mailboxes to be added to the СС of the request.
  • Product – select the ABBYY product affected by the issue.
  • Subject – a concise description of the issue.
  • Suggested articles - based on the subject of your request you might be offered a number of articles from the Help Center.
  • Description – a more detailed description of the issue, please include any information that may assist the support professional to troubleshoot or reproduce the issue.
  • License number – if applicable, provide the license serial number for the affected product.
  • Build number – if applicable, provide the build number. To determine the build number, check the Help>About dialog.
  • System environment – if applicable, select the environment where the problem occurred - Test or Production.
  • Business operation impact – if applicable, select the level of impact that the issue has on your business processes.
  • Attachments – attach any screenshots, projects or documents that may assist the Support Professional to troubleshoot the issue.

Once finished, click Submit.

After submitting a support request you will be forwarded to the support request page.

You will also receive an email confirming that  ABBYY Customer Support received your support request and containing a link to the support request in your Help Center profile.

Submitting a support request via email (Available only to customers with Enterprise support package)

To create a support request via email please send an email to the address provided during the Support Onboarding process.

In the email, the subject provides a concise description of the issue along with the name of the affected product. 
In the email, the body provides a detailed description of the issue and any relevant information that may be useful for the support professional to troubleshoot or reproduce the issue. 
Include the product version and, if applicable, steps to reproduce the issue in the detailed description.

Attachments can be added to the email, these will be automatically added to the support request.

You will also receive an email confirming that  ABBYY Customer Support received your support request and containing a link to the support request in your Help Center profile.

You can read more information about updating or closing an existing support request via the Help Center/email in the following article ABBYY Customer Support Handbook: adding information and closing a Support Request

Have more questions? Submit a request



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