Adding FlexiCapture 12 to the white list of antivirus


How to add FlexiCapture 12 application to the whitelist of antivirus, and fix the possible errors:

  • Sharing Violation errors
  • License error
  • Errors during installation


Some antiviruses can block or interrupt the normal work of FlexiCapture, the resolution in such cases could be adding FlexiCapture components to the whitelist of Antivirus.

FlexiCapture installation folders:

  • C:\Program Files\ABBYY FlexiCapture 12 Servers
    (on the application server and processing server machines).
  • C:\Program Files\ABBYY FlexiCapture 12 Stations
    (on machines with processing stations and user stations such as Verification Station and Project Setup Station).

Folders containing logs, settings, and temporary files (on all of the machines with FlexiCapture components):

  • C:\ProgramData\ABBYY\FlexiCapture
  • C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\ABBYY\FlexiCapture.
  • C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\ABBYY\FlexiCapture.
  • C:\Users\All Users\ABBYY\FlexiCapture.
  • %TEMP% on Processing Stations.
  • Hot folders used in FlexiCapture projects.

If the database uses external file storage - the FlexiCapture file storage folder should also be added to the whitelist.

Also, it is recommended to add an exclusion for Antivirus for this FlexiCapture services and processes:

  • FlexiBrSvc.exe (processing server and processing stations)
  • FlexiEx.exe (project setup station and verification station background executors)
  • w3wp.exe (FlexiCapture IIS application pools)
  • FlexiCapture.exe (default station executor)
  • ScanStationFC.exe (scanning station executor)
  • ScanningPluginBR.exe (web scanning station executor)
  • LicensingService.exe (license service executor)


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1 comment

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    Jim Hill

    However, if you have the option set to save the original file in the batch type, then a file submitted with a virus (via the API) will then be within the file store.  If you have the option selected to use Microsoft or Libre Office then that file will be rendered (opened) using those applications. If the file store location is excluded then these will be excluded from antivirus scanning.  This is a way that a virus could come into a company and then be shared across the file system on the server.  If it triggers Powershell scripts it could possible then enumerate the network and spread across machines connected to that file share. 


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