How to safely upgrade FlexiCapture 12?


If we want to upgrade our current installation of FlexiCapture, what would be the steps?


  • Install a new release on a separate server, upload a copy of the project there, test it, and make sure it works properly after the upgrade.
  • After that upgrade the current server:
      1. Make sure all system requirements are met since there can be changes between releases (i.e. SQL Server version, .Net versions, etc.)
      2. Stop automatic import (Administration and Monitoring Console > Settings > Projects > disable Hot Folders)
      3. Make sure all documents are verified and exported. All batches are in the Processed state.
      4. Export projects from the server to have backup versions.
      5. Close all stations.
      6. Stop the Processing Server.
      7. Close all opened sessions (Administration and Monitoring Console > Processing Monitor > Sessions).
      8. Create FlexiCapture database backup by means of Microsoft SQL Management Studio.
      9. Create a copy of File Storage (if it is a folder on a disk) and save it in a new place to have a backup.
      10. Uninstall both FlexiCapture servers and stations from Control Panel > Programs and Features.
      11. Install the new release.
      12. License, database, and File Storage connection will be automatically picked up.
      13. Go back to Administration and Monitoring Console > Settings > Application Server (make sure it is run as administrator), and update the database version if it asks to do (there will be a special button available).
      14. Upgrade projects on the Application server.
      15. Start Processing Server and Processing Stations.
      16. Enable hot folders.
      17. After making sure the system works properly, it is ok to delete database and File Storage backups.

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