Does FlexiCapture support MS SQL High Availability Group configurations?


Does FlexiCapture support MS SQL High Availability Group configurations?


FlexiCapture supports MS SQL High Availability Group configurations, however, please be advised that there is a requirement for installing and configuring a special non-available by default OLE DB driver on the Application Server.

It is recommended to install the latest OLE DB driver MSOLEDBSQL for the SQL Server from Download Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server - OLE DB Driver for SQL Server page (versions may change, so make sure you are checking your DB requirements).

Next, follow these steps:

  1. Stop the Processing Server.
  2. Stop the IIS.
  3. Adjust the FC connection string in the ..\Server\web.config file for using the installed driver
    Example: It should be similar to "Provider=MSOLEDBSQL;Data Source=***.COM,14331;Initial Catalog=AbbyyFC01;Trusted_Connection=true;MultiSubnetFailover=True". The parameters highlighted in bold are important, other parameters are to be double-checked with the driver specification.
  4. Start the IIS.
  5. Start the Processing Server.

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    Modi, Hitesh

    Is Availability group MS SQL server supported only with OLEDB? Or can we use SQL Native Client with Abbyy FlexiCapture 12.


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