The IIS site has been stopped automatically. A manual attempt to start the site leads to a message "Value does not fall within the expected range" or "Value does not fall in the expected range".
A wrong parameter has been set for the IIS-hosted site or application pool.
An appropriate solution is to roll back the latest amends. The backup of the server can be restored if such exists.
But it may be too hard to identify the last changes due to the complexity of the business processes or a backup may missing. The workaround is to completely reinstall the IIS:
- Uninstall the FlexiCapture 12 Servers using Windows Apps and Features.
- With a help of "turn Windows features on and off" disable the "Internet Information Services", "Internet Information Services Hostable Web Core", "Windows Process Activation Service".
- Delete the default IIS folder and its content. By default, it is located in c:\inetpub. Reboot the machine.
- Enable the turned-off features back.
- Install the Application Server and configure it.
The suggested workaround will affect other IIS-hosted sites. Please make sure that you understand the consequences. Consult with your system administrator before performing the suggested actions.
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