How to capture only the left side of the page in FlexiCapture 12?


How to capture only the left side of the page?



In order to capture only the left side of the page use one of the following approaches:

Approach 1. Use the Split option in a custom
Image Enhancement Profile:

Split- splits an image horizontally / vertically for the selected number of separate pages

Important: With this approach, make sure that documents on all images are placed evenly. Otherwise, significant information may be lost.

See also:


Approach 2. Restrict the page search area in FlexiLayout.

Set up the FlexiLayout for your Document Definition in  FlexiLayout Studio project to search the required fields in specified page parts only.

Using Advanced pre-search relations is also an option in this case (please, see the example of limiting the search area in the documentation). 

See also: 

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