- No documents/pages are created while submitting a new file via Web Services API.
- Empty batches are created in FlexiCapture 12 with an error: Could not load the source image 'XXX' for the document with ID '1' from the Application Server
- How can methods from the FlexiCapture Authentication API be utilized?
- Custom Report returns "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error
- How to build a direct link to a verification task using the Web Services API
- "Could not load file or assembly" error when using ABBYY UiPath FlexiCapture Connector
- What is the WSDL reference for the FlexiCapture 12 Distributed Web Services API?
- Error thrown by the BluePrism connector: Failed to get available batch type by the name 'ХХХХ' for the user 'YYYY'
- How to export using the source file name in the name of the exported file when importing files via connector?
- File is not added to the batch after the AddNewDocument request is sent.
- Errors while using external .Net assemblies: The type or namespace name 'HttpWebRequest' could not be found
- How to pass additional information when creating a batch via SOAP API?
- How to download the attachment as a file?
- How to upload the attachment to the specified object?
- Error on saving DocumentBody.xml to the FlexiCapture 12 server via API: Access denied. Contact your Administrator.
- UiPath connector throws an error: Failed to open session for the role type 'ScanningOperator' and workstation type 'Scanning'
- FlexiCapture 12 API. How to save Session Identifier in Collection Variables?
- How to add registration parameters via the AddNewBatch API call?
- 'SOAP Server Application Faulted' when using the SaveAttachment API method
- How SSO-only authentication will work with PEGA, BluePrism connectors?
- Error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class abbyy.flexicapture.webapi.client.TenantClient
- LoadDocumentResult: No results are available when invoking the method
- Is there any way we can use import the documents to ABBYY without using the Hot folder but using the API calls?
- Is it possible to modify the document body for the verification stage task using FlexiCapture API?
- How to obtain processed documents via API in Flexicapture 12.
- Is there a way to submit documents with the batch type other than the "Default" batch type using ABBYY FlexiCapture Cloud REST API?
- Is it possible to get Verification Task ID dynamically from FlexiCapture 12 scripts?
- How can I test the wsdl (Web Services Description Language) file for login issues?
- SOAP Server Application Faulted - Invalid parameter value
- How to remove WinAuth from verification URL received from the UiPath?